
Flying High in Reading at St Helen’s

Our vision for reading at St. Helen’s CE Primary School is for our children to use their reading skills to embrace a love and knowledge of quality texts and to connect with each other, their community, society and the world. Through our rich and well-structured curriculum, our children develop skills for reading that help them engage with stories and texts about the wider world through a range of reading experiences that have an impact beyond the classroom.

Our children are immersed in the process of reading and this allows them to develop the confidence to become confident readers. We use a systematic approach to teaching reading that is built around the principles of the balanced reader.

For more information about our Intent, Implementation and Impact please click on the link below. 

St Helen's Reading DNA - Intent, implementation and Impact

For an overview of the skills that we teach in read across the school - please click on the link below. 

Progression Document Whole School Reading

The structure of our Guided Reading lessons are very precise to ensure consistency across the school. Please see below from our Teaching and Learning Guide: Information about how we teaching the skills of reading.

St Helen's Guided Reading Teaching Sequence

Reading Spine 2024-25 

Please click on the link below to see the books that have been selected this year to be used as stimuli in our English lessons and the books which enhance our reading experiences in Just Read.

Reading and Writing Long Term Plan Spine 2024-25