Physical Education
Intent: Physical Education at St.Helen’s
In order for all children to achieve their full potential and to aim for our school vision of ‘Excellence, Enjoyment and Achievement’ - Flying high- Soar like Eagles, we have developed a PE scheme of work which enables children to develop their core Physical Education skills, and enables them to participate in structured competitive activities at differing levels:
A high-quality physical education curriculum inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities. It should provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed some of our school values such as: Friendship, Perseverance, Truthfulness, and Respect
Quality First Wave Teaching: Intent of the PE curriculum
All children receive a broad and balanced PE curriculum as part of QFWT (Quality First wave Teaching) this is about what should be on offer for all children: the effective inclusion of all pupils in high-quality everyday personalised teaching. Such teaching will, for example, be based on clear objectives that are shared with the children and returned to at the end of the lesson; carefully explained new PE vocabulary; use of lively, interactive teaching styles and also make maximum use of visual and kinaesthetic as well as auditory/verbal learning. The objectives that are used are taken from the school’s skills and progression grid (see example below) which is taken explicitly from the National Curriculum for PE.
The objectives that are implemented across the school's scheme of work,
are taken from the school’s skills and progression grid (see example in attachment below) which is taken explicitly from the National Curriculum for PE.
These skills are mapped out each term to enable children to develop their own aptitude in Physical Education.
Across the year the children experience a broad range of Curriculum activities away from more traditional games activities. The rationale behind this
move to less traditional PE subjects, based on the context of the school and the reasoning that the vast majority of our children access Football, Rugby, and Cricket clubs in the local area for example: Thornbury CC, Thornbury Rugby Club, North Bristol Rugby club. We have decided to develop a Games curriculum that is innovate in developing activities in sports such as Handball, Dodgeball, Tennis, Basketball.
OOA and Swimming objectives are covered discretely.
All KS2 classes will have a block of swimming lessons. We use our swimming provision toendeavour to see that ‘all children by the time they leave primary school are able to swim 25 metres.’ Children are assessed at the end of Year6 on whether they can swim 25 metres, if they cannot this highlighted early to Secondary school.
OOA activities are covered by Year 6 Camp and through other enrichment activities throughout the year. All children in Year 6 have access to
these OOA activities.
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same….
Following QFWT- all children are encouraged to join an enrichment club to help further develop their Physical Education skills and refine their core skills by
expert coaching. Some of the coaches employed by school are high skilled coaches from sporting clubs such as Bristol Sport, Gloucestershire CCC, TPS (Total
Pro Soccer) and PE trained teachers.
Intra – school competition:
As part of developing the school values further and in order to enable children to develop opportunities to compete in competitive sport and other activities that build character, all children are given the opportunity to take part in Intra-school competitions. These competitions can range from school sports day to cricket tournaments that are arranged to find a winning house team- lined to our Houses.
Inter – school competition:
In order to enable children to develop opportunities to compete in competitive sport and other activities that build character, some children are given the
opportunity to take part in Inter-school competitions. These competitions enables us to challenge those children who need the additional experience of
competing against other schools. The competitions entered included South Gloucestershire Primary Football tournaments, Gloucs CC Kwik
Cricket tournament. These experiences are invaluable to children to build their character, and to instill the school values of respect and friendship, as the
children will experience the winning and losing feeling and know how to react in both situations.
PE Curriculum at St Helen's Scheme of Work