Year 1
Welcome to Holly Class!
Welcome to our Year One Class page! In Year One, we are very excited to be learning through play. We have many different areas in our classroom; maths, enquiry, phonics, art and workshop, construction, role play and outside provision. Every day we explore these different areas of the classroom and see where our learning takes us!
Miss Paul is the class teacher and Mrs Mclean our general TA, who works every morning and some afternoons. We also have Mrs Wilding in the afternoons and a range of staff supporting SEND children.
Please see below more about our topics for this term as we look at our Connected Curriculum Peace and Conflict:
Spring Term 3 and 4
Connected Curriculum Theme: Rights and Responsibilities
Focus: History
Our Big Question: How can we protect others?
Connected Curriculum Overview Year 1 Term 3 and 4 Rights and Responsibilities
As historians, children will learn:
Who Grace Darling was, when she lived and why she was significant.
Where Grace Darling lived and the purpose of a lighthouse. That the life of Grace Darling contributed to national achievements. That the actions of Grace Darling and her father highlighted theimportance of the lifeboats, raising critical awareness and funds.
(£700 raised at that time was a huge amount of money. £50 from Queen Victoria)
That the RNLI has a vital role to play in UK sea rescue. That we can find out about the past using primary and secondary sources such as paintings, books written at the time, poems, photographs etc.Australian lifeguards train in the UK with the RNLI to gain advanced skills and experience diverse sea conditions, enhancing their
As geographers, children will learn:
The main function of the Australian maritime safety authority. Where Australia is and describe some of the geographical features. The significance of the Great Barrier Reef and why it is vital that it is protected. That the Australian version of the RNLI have similar goals in very different environments. Both are islands, both have rescue
organisations. Very different needs due to the geography of each island.
That the UK and Australia have things in common as well as many
differences. They will compare and contrast the two locations.
Connected Curriculum Overview Term 1 Peace and Conflict
Please see below information from our Meet The Teacher meeting:
Year 1 Meet the Teacher 2024 25
Summer Term 2024 Sustainable Environmental Development
During the summer term, children will be exploring the Big Question; ‘How can human behaviour impact the environment?’ whilst our global theme is Sustainable Environmental Development.
The children will start with a classroom full of plastic rubbish and junk. They will engage in the big question and learn our brave-change maker skills of communication and making decisions.
Children will be able to participate in discussions that affect self, others and the wider world by stating opinions and starting to justify their opinions. They will also learn to listen carefully to others. Children will be able to contribute actively and constructively to the life of own class and school. They will be able to take action when something is unfair.
During Term 5
As historians, children will begin to understand that events beyond living memory can be significant nationally and globally. They will consider how the invention of plastics was a turning point for the world and further inventions such as food packaging and clothes. They will consider the advantages and disadvantages of plastic, and how people’s opinions of plastics may have changed over time.
The children will consider why there is contrasting information regarding who invented plastic. For example, American websites champion John Wesley Hyatt as the inventor of the first type of plastic, whereas UK websites favour Leo Baekeland.
During Term 6
As Geographers children will focus on their local area. They will look at human and physical features and consider if these have changed over time. Children will explore maps and symbols and create their own maps of the local area. They will complete 3D model maps of a small area of Alveston. The children will use four compass points to give simple directions.
The product outcome will be for the children to create a model of our local area which promotes a positive impact on the environment
Year 1 Connected Curriculum Overview Term 5 and 6
Spring Term 2024 Social Justice
Big Question: Is it fair?
In term 3 and as geographers, we will be comparing Bristol to a city in Uganda. We will explore geographical similarities and differences including climate and vegetation. We will additionally make comparisons between schooling in Africa and the UK. In term 4 and as historians, we will be exploring how children have been treated unfairly in the past, with a focus on the Victorian era. We will focus on the schooling system, using Mary Carpenter and the Bristol Ragged schools reform to compare the rights of children.
Year 1 Connected Curriculum Term Social Justice T3 and T4 2024
Year 1 Connected Curriculum Home Learning Social Justice
Year 1 Meet the Teacher Evening September 2023
Connected Curriculum Topic Overviews: Autumn Term Identity and Diversity
Y1 Term 1 Connected Curriculum
Photo gallery from Term 2 2023-24 Flying High Year 1