Year 3
Welcome to Oak Class!
Welcome to the Year 3 class page!
We hope you enjoy reading our Connected Curriculum overview for the term, including exploring our home learning activities which are inspired by our Topic.
In Year 3, we love to ‘Fly High and Soar like Eagles’ and we strive to be brave change-makers to make a difference to the world we live in. We enjoy making connections with one another, within our partnership with St Mary’s (Yate), with our past as we learn from those that have gone before us, with our local community and across different subjects to fully immerse ourselves in our learning.
Our values are at the core of what we do every day and we enjoy talking and learning about these during collective worship.
Key Information:
On Monday and Wednesday, children will need their school PE kit including trainers to change into. They need to be prepared for indoor and outdoor lessons.
Other information provided to parents via Dojo:
• Weekly Timetable
• Termly Home Learning Schedule
• Termly connected curriculum and subject overview.
On Thursdays, children need to bring in their reading records to change and home learning book.
Please make sure children have a named water bottle that gets brought into school each day.
Class Teacher Mr Daniels
Spring Term Term 3 and 4: Rights and Responsibilities
Global Curriculum: The global curriculum theme for the Spring term is Rights and Responsibilities. Our Big Question is ‘What makes a good leader?’ We will be using the Tudors as our learning context.
As Historians, children will explore how the Tudors made and used maps and discuss their reliability and accuracy. The children will consider why people needed maps in the past and how the Tudors used them in their exploration.
Children will look at Henry VIII as an example of a Tudor leader. What qualities did Henry have as a leader and why was he successful? The children will question if Henry’s response (setting up his own church – and making himself the Leader of the Church of England - reformation), to the church denying him a divorce, shows good leadership or was it an abuse of his power?
As Geographers, children will focus on maps. They will consider how both the purpose and accuracy of maps has changed over time. The children will look at different types of maps, atlases, globes and digital mapping to locate countries and describe features in their local area. They will use map symbols, compass points, orientation and co-ordinates.
The children will look at how their local area has changed geographically since Tudor times.
To answer our Big Question, ‘What makes a good leader?’, we will focus on the examples of Tudor leaders and find out from school leaders about the role. We will ask our own questions about being a leader to help us understand what qualities a good leader possesses.
Connected Curriculum Overview Term 3 and 4 Rights and Responsibilities
Autumn Term 1 and 2:
Connected Curriculum Overview Term 1 Peace and Conflict
Summer Term 2024 Connected Curriculum Theme: Environmental Sustainable Development
Overview to go in:
Year 3 Connected Curriculum Environmental Sustainable Development
Year 3 Home Learning Summer 2024
Spring Term 2024 Social Justice
Year 3 Connected Curriculum Term Social Justice T3 and T4 2024
Autumn Term 2023 Identity and Diversity
Meet the Teacher Evening Year 3