
Here is a selection of statutory and non-statutory policies at St Helen’s. For more information and if you would like a paper copy please do not hesitate to contact the school office. 


 St.Helen's CE Policies: 

Please note with some of our policies since we have incorporated into a federation, Andy Spens is no longer the executive head teacher, although Kelvin Chappell is still Head of the school. On some of the policies the EHT and HOS are named, as are particular link governors who may no longer be in post. With the formalising of the federation this may have now changed since the policy was agreed at the relevant governor's board meeting therefore when the policy is next updated relevant names will be changed. The new executive head is now Julie Simpson. 


Please note some policies such as: Collective Worship, Home Learning policy- are currently being re-written and due to be reviewed by governors. The current policies in place are the model policy to follow.