Special Educational Needs

Welcome to St Helen’s SEND information page.

On this page you will find lots of information relating to the provision of SEND and Inclusion and in particular the teaching of SEND at our lovely school.

As a school we will listen to any concerns that you have about your child/ren and can set up further meetings to plan additional support depending on the nature of your concerns. If you have any worries first and foremost please make contact with your child’s class teacher or please feel free to contact the school SENCO-  Helen Hardy on the following email below at any time.


We are very proud that all our children including those children with additional needs strive to be ‘Flying High’ at St Helen’s every day! In order for us to develop and improve the provision of SEND at St Helen’s every year Mr.Chappell, our Head of school, carries out confidential questionnaires with the parents of our SEND pupils to find out all about their thoughts and feelings about school. Please find below a selection of quotes from the returned forms over the past two academic years

The Nest at St.Helen's 

In line with our ethos for all children to be Flying High- we have created a very adapted, bespoke 'Nest' provision for some of our more vulnerable children to utilise at different parts of the day, so that they receive the specifically tailored activities that are need to support their SEMH needs. For more information about 'the Nest' please click on the links below: 

The Nest Rationale - Flying High- Soaring Like Eagles.

The Nest guide for parents and carers

School SEND Information Report: 

Please find below the link to our 2024-25 SEND Information report that details more information about SEND provision in our school. If you have any questions about SEND provision at St Helen’s, please feel free to speak to the school office, who will arrange for the SENCO to speak to you in person.

In line with the  SEN/D Code of Practice we have reviewed and  updated our SEN/D policy.We have tried to make the policy more accessible and hope that you find the policy easier to follow in  a ‘magazine’ style format which is similar to our SEN/D Information report and as such can be read in conjunction with our school’s SEN/D Information report.

St Helens SEND Information Report 2024-25

Please note this policy is currently under review with our Full Governors Board. 

St Helens SEND Policy 2024-25

Training opportunities for staff: 

Please click on the link below to see a list of the CPD training opportunities that staff have been able to access so far this year. 

SEND CPD opportunities for staff.

In our parents / carers survey in April 2024 the following question was asked with an positive response to show that the majority of children's needs are being supported. 

Please find information below for a group called: Supportive Parents.

Who are a charity who provide information, advice and support to parents, children and young people about special educational needs or disability in Bristol, North Somerset or South Gloucestershire.

Supportive Parents

A statutory requirement of the 2014 SEND Code of Practice is for the LA (Local Authority) to outline to parents/carers what services are available and what support they can expect from a range of local agencies, including from the local authority, health services, schools, leisure services and the voluntary sector to support children with SEN/D. (Special Educational Needs/Disability.) As part of South Gloucestershire’s local offer the following questions and answers detail how we support the teaching and learning of SEN/D children at St.Helen’s CE Primary School and also form the basis of our first SEN/D Information statement. This is continually reviewed and updated. If you have any thoughts or questions about this information please feel free to email our school to make contact with our SENCO

Please find below the direct link to the South Gloucestershire Council’s SEN page 'The South Glos Way Inclusion Toolkit.'

The South Glos Way Inclusion Toolkit

This will take you directly to information about Special Education Needs.

 The next link will take you directly to the local authority’s local offer page.

 South Glos Council SEND Local Offer

Jigsaw Thornbury SEND support group: Supporting families who have children with any additional needs or disabilities.  We make everyone feel that they fit in, no matter what.

Jigsaw Thornbury Support Group

To help parents/carers become familiar with the changes to SEN/D provision please click the link below to read an information leaflet provided by the South Gloucestershire Parents and Carer Forum.

 Parental Quotes

Click on the link to read about what some of our SEND pupils and what parents think and say about life at St Helen’s.

Please see the link below that takes you to information about the recent South Glos Inspection on SEND: 

South Glos SEND Inspection information:

Please click the link below to access the most recent inspection report on the local authority's children service. 

South Glo Inspection information on children's services:

 Please find attached below information from the School Nurse Service: Over the years we have signposted a number of families to the school nurse for further external support. 

School Nurse Poster