Parents/ Carers Support

We know that at times some parents/ carers need additional support to help with our children. It may be that there may be families that have worries or concerns in relation to how they will cope over the long summer holiday, without the support of us as a school. 

The Access and Response Team  and Compass Early Help Support, typically see an increase in referrals before all of the school holidays, in particular the long summer break, and this can often result in families not receiving support in time for the holidays.  With this in mind, here are a few ideas and suggestions of things that you can do, which could help to ‘hold’ those families over the 6 week break. 

Please see some advice and links sent by Compass on what you can do if you need support:

We have included below information about services and support, which families can access throughout the summer.  

 Financial support/offers

Information on different ways of getting support with the cost of living rising Cost of living help | BETA - South Gloucestershire Council (


The government has provided funding for us to support people who are struggling to:

buy food

pay energy bills

cover other essential costs linked to energy and wider essentials (including sanitary products, warm clothing, soap, blankets)




Young people’s mental health

  • Off The Record: Free, self-referral counselling service for young people age 11-15, who are experiencing low mood, depression, anxiety, phobias, self-harm, eating problems and/or anger. Young people can call, email or text, and services operate in Patchway, Kingswood and Yate. Also offer parent support groups and sessions. Can also see Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for more information and up to date groups and activities.

Tel: 0808 808 9120. Text: 07896 880011. Website: Home - OTR (  Email:

  • Kooth: Free, safe and anonymous online support for young people 11-18. Monday – Friday 12pm – 10pm, Saturday – Sunday 6pm – 10pm. On Kooth you can: Chat to our friendly counsellors; Read articles written by young people; Get support from the Kooth community; Write in a daily journal. Website: Home - Kooth
  • Childline: Free counselling via online webchat, and free support/advice available 24/7 via confidential helpline, and emails via the website.  Tel: 0800 11 11. Website:   Childline | Childline


  • Young Minds Crisis Messenger Service for free 24/7 support across the UK of you are experiencing a mental health crisis. Text YM to 85258.     

Adult mental health

  • Samaritans: Free, confidential emotional support for those experiencing despair, distress, self-harm or suicidal feelings.

Tel: 116 123 (free, from any phone, 24/7). Website: Samaritans | Every life lost to suicide is a tragedy | Here to listen    Email:

Family/parenting support

  • Solihull – online parenting resources for parents, carers, grandparents and teenagers in South Glos.  This is free lifetime access to a range of e-learning and online resources which span from pregnancy to 19 years.  These courses can be worked through at a pace which suits the individual, with the aim of increasing parental knowledge and confidence around child development through all stages of the parenting journey.  The courses aim to nurture emotional health and wellbeing so that our children can thrive as kind, sociable and emotionally aware people throughout their lives.  inourplace | Solihull Approach – South Gloucestershire | inourplace
  • NHS website: Advice for parents on a range of parenting issues, including talking to teenagers, fussy eating and teenage aggression. Website: Live Well - NHS (
  • Parent Buddies is a confidential, universal, one-to-one listening service offering short-term support depending on family need. Volunteers are trained to provide parents/carers with listening, and signposting to specialist services. HOME | My Site (
  • CCP – Caring for Communities and People – Offer outreach support for families at an early help level. Families can self-refer. Home (


Support for families who have children with additional needs


  • SEND and You - SAY: Local SEN and disability information service (SENDIAS) - Information and support around Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, for children, young people and families. (previously Supportive Parents) 

               Tel: 0117 9897725 Mon-Fri 9.30 - 4.30 (answerphone at other times), Email:  

               Website:  Home - SEND and You


  • South Glos Parents and Carers: Information and groups for parents who have children with a disability and/or additional needs. Offers a weekly drop in for parents and carers, support groups, workshops, counselling and events. They also run the Parent Carer forum in South Gloucestershire to collect feedback and views from families with disabled children. Website: South Glos Parent Carers ( Email:



  • Gympanzees: ‘pop-up’ Leisure Centre - dedicated centre for children and young people with disabilities and their families.  They currently run an easter and summer pop up session. Website Pop Ups - Gympanzees